Make sure to tell Mrs. Dace congrats on her NIAAA Athletic Administrator certification. She has joined and elite group!
Look at this!
Got another one!
Pawesome Alert!
Congratulations to the following athletes for earning Academic All-State honors. Softball: Jaida Sanders, Lexie Moreland, Jerri Forester and Lacey Sellers
Volleyball: Hannah Dunham, Tyra Haffer, Jaylen Haffer, Hailey Shockley and Emma Harris
Party day is here! Party times are as follows:
Mrs. Cunningham’s class completed a series of five lessons on erosion and the Earth’s surface. During the lessons, students developed a model of the earth’s surface and used it to discover an important principle about how rivers work. They also investigated the effects of rocks tumbling in a river, explored flash floods, made hypotheses and investigated the causes of canyons, and compared multiple solutions for preventing erosion.
The district had its 1st Annual District Wide Chili Cook-off! A big thank you to the Cuba Fire Protection District for being our wonderful judges and all they do for the district and community!
District Champion: Mr. Cross
2nd Place and “Most Chili Eaten” Award: Mrs. Gilliam
3rd Place: Mr. Stahlman
Another awesome student!
We got an awesome student right here!
Pawesome Alert!
We appreciate these ladies!
You all know how to sell chocolate! Due to a high volume to hand out, and some staff shortages today, not all candy was passed out. We will prioritize any students that brought in forms today while passing out candy tomorrow. Thank you for your support and patience!
Bring in those cans!
We had a minor difficulty with chocolate delivery this morning, but all fundraiser chocolate will be sent home tomorrow!
She is Pawesome!
Look at this awesome young lady.
Awesomeness right here.
This guy right here is awesome!