Bring your PEP and your ponchos tomorrow night to cheer on the Wildcats at Homecoming!
4 months ago, Cuba High School
Taylea received a positive office referral for coming to class ready to learn and making excellent choices.
4 months ago, Crawford County R-2
Positive Office Referral
Get your homecoming shirts! Here is the link for pre-orders and they will be in tomorrow. They will also be available at the game.
4 months ago, Cuba High School
Hope to see you tonight!
4 months ago, Crawford County R2
Day 2 Olympics pitted sports/activities teams against each other in some dodgeball!
4 months ago, Cuba High School
Homecoming Olympics kicked off with some wheelbarrow races and balloon shenanigans!
4 months ago, Cuba High School
barrel 1
 barrel 2
Starting at this Friday's home football game there will be a student section in the bleachers for MS students. You are expected to sit in this section or with your parents. You will not be allowed to run around and you are not allowed to have any footballs. Students must be accompanied by their parent or have the HS admission form completed and signed by admin by the end of the day on Friday to enter with another adult.
4 months ago, CrawfordCountyR-2
Journee received a positive office referral for always helping out her teachers and fellow classmates.
4 months ago, Crawford County R-2
Positive Office Referral
Elementary Midterm Reports will come home with students tomorrow (9/25/24). Please keep an eye out for a hardcopy in your child's backpack. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate Lumen--our new student information system.
4 months ago, Crawford County R2
Cuba Elementary Picture Day is TOMORROW (9/25/24) Please have students arrive to school on time and wearing their best smile! To Order: Pre-Order Password: 8C2V7S3Y **Pre-Order to receive best prices, free shipping to school, and free gift with purchase! **
4 months ago, Crawford County R2
pic day
Elementary Building Reminder: Transportation Changes Due to a few miscommunications, and to look out for the safety and well-being of our students we are asking that families please follow the steps below when making a transportation change. -- If you would like to change your child to parent pick-up, we ask that you do so by 1:00pm. --Students will not be taken off the bus if a parent does not call in at the appropriate time to make a transportation change. -- Please do not leave a message on the voice mail for bus changes; those changes will not be made. We have revamped our communication routine to ensure that teachers are given plenty of notice when transportation changes are made. We will do our due diligence to get students where they need to be in an orderly fashion. We appreciate your support from home too!
4 months ago, Crawford County R2
Jostens will be here this week to collect orders from Seniors and Sophomores!
4 months ago, Suzanne Bouse
Change of Plans for Homecoming Coronation!
4 months ago, Cuba High School
Tonight's JV Football Game at Jefferson has been cancelled due to bad weather.
4 months ago, Cuba Activities
Check out this week's activity information!
4 months ago, Cuba Activities
weekly activities
All high schoolers: Make plans to decorate your hallway!
4 months ago, Cuba High School
Julian received a positive office referral for making a choice to attend tutoring to help him with his academics.
4 months ago, Crawford County R-2
Positive Office Referral
Jace received a positive office referral for helping out a fellow classmate.
4 months ago, Crawford County R-2
Positive Office Referral
Do you have a child that is prenatal through 5 years old? If so, this post is for you!!! Crawford County R-2 School District has a Parents as Teachers program that is a valuable resource to families in our CCR2 community. There are four main components in PAT which include monthly home visits, developmental screenings, resource sharing, and group connection events. Please see the attached flyer with a QR code if you are interested in enrolling your child. Reach out to Tiffini Lorenz if you have any questions. (573) 885-2534 ext. 2144
4 months ago, Crawford County R2
Nevaeh received a positive office referral for being helpful on the bus.
4 months ago, Crawford County R-2
Positive Office Referral