Proud of this guy!
Check this out!
Tomorrow kicks off our 12 Days of December!
12/3 Spirit of the Season: Wear Red and Green! 🎄
Check this guy out!
November...That's a Wrap! 🎬 Take a virtual walk through our building and you will visibly see the great things taking place at Cuba Elementary! Little minds grow here!
Elementary students took a walk through our massive stash of lost and found coats, jackets, hats, etc. We were able to reunite many articles of clothing to their rightful owner, but we still have a pretty big stash. If you see an item that belongs to your child, please swing by the primary office next week to claim your items or remind your child to come grab their things. All items have been recently washed. We will donate remaining items on Friday, December 6th. Thank you!
Riding to school in a fire truck is a pretty neat experience! CES is proud to partner with Cuba Fire Protection District!
We caught an awesome student!
Sophomores be ready!
These gentleman are definitely PAWESOME!
FYI - For those who are interested.
Mrs. Miller's Earth Science classes were able to differentiate between types of rock after completing their Starburst Lab!
Warning: Pictures are a little gross!
Mrs. Treece's classes got some hands on experience identifying organs and their functions on a real pig. Thanks to Oak Hill Meats and Processing for donating the lesson for the day!
Check out this week's Activity Information!
Shout out to Mr. Case and the fabulous cast and crew of "Once Upon a Crime." It was such an entertaining play!
First quarter Students of the Quarter who were not able to attend the board meeting last evening. Congratulations to Adrian and Lane.
Click on the link to see a Thanksgiving message from the superintendent:
Friendly reminder that CCR2 will be in session on Monday, November 25th.
Congrats to these Students of the Quarter that were honored at the November School Board Meeting.
Elementary Midterm Reports will come home with students today (11/21/24). Please keep an eye out for a hardcopy in your child's backpack.